Get with the times... Forget about external hard drives, CDs, old computers. Store your songs, stems, and ideas on the Komposed cloud.
Most importantly, forget FTP and zipping! Use Komposed to search and deliver in seconds!
Share your entire catalog with music licensees, fans and friends. Including, all song versions, stems, metadata, lyrics, and composer splits.
Showcase your personal greatest hits on your Music Timeline. Put the URL on your business card, share it online, or embed it on your site.
The most comprehensive music sharing anywhere.
Share any/all song versions, stems, cut-downs, MP3/WAV/AIF files, metadata, lyrics, and composer splits.
Profile links and Related Songs features automatically cross-market your other songs!
Meet a big-time music exec at a party? Access your entire catalog from your phone to showcase your music!
The engineers of Komposed are musicians who have gone through all of the growing pains of finding, and more importantly, NOT finding music. Your internal search engine allows you to search by: Tags, Genres, Style-Alikes, Date, Song Title, File Name, Mix Type, Writer, DAW Session Name, and more...
Music buyers often ask for your catalog metadata and composer splits. Working musicians know this process is absolutely necessary, and usually painfully time-consuming. Komposed makes this very simple, by allowing you to export any search or your entire catalog.
Describing your music accurately WILL get you more licenses. We've created a straight-forward process to enter your song metadata. It's mostly optional though, so it'll never slow you down!
We're working with TV/Film/Ad professionals and Record Lables, to post thier project needs to Komposed users. You can easily submit your music for consideration, and it's FREE!
Deal details will depend on each client project, always be optional to you, and we intend to be as Komposer-friendly as best we can!